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Monday, April 25, 2016 | 7:16 PM | 0 Crush
It has been long .
And guess what, my 200th post.
Im feeling so upset that i cant describe.
Did i make the wrong choice agn..
Im feeling so hurt so hurt..
Why do you have to be lik this to me?
Yet you make it seems lik it was all my fault..
But how much have you really cared for me..
There were times when i was at my lowest
But u have nvr noticed..
i guess we really didnt know it each other well..
haha.. let it be bah..

Tuesday, January 27, 2015 | 10:39 PM | 0 Crush
In life, there's so much choice where we had to made.
I'm never good in making choice.
I often regret afterwards.
As i felt like i made a wrong choice.
2015 seems really really bad to me.
I can't seem to adapt.
Everything seems to force me to grow up instantly.
I have not even recover from his death.
And now i have to choose and to lose smth real soon .
How am i suppose to choose?
No matter which side it is.. it seems to hurt.
And i'm like googling people's for advise.
Kind of got some idea.
Maybe when the time was up, i would try it out.
I hope i wont lose it so badly. at least still friend?,,
I dont wish to hurt anyone, but seems lik reality is forcing me to do it.
Please do not hate me . 
If i could i might choose to hurt myself instead. 

Wednesday, January 14, 2015 | 10:49 PM | 0 Crush
A new year.
A new start.
World changed . 
People changed. 
No one waits for you to move forward. 
No one really understands how you feel. 
Its a really depressing week.. 
And i have still not walked out of it.
Being trap inside is really painful . 
It makes you realise no one actually have time for you.
Its really time to slap myself to wake up. 
I feel lik im going crazy . 
Someone save me from all these shyt .. 

Monday, September 15, 2014 | 11:29 PM | 0 Crush
Set off to Malaysia on the saturday.
Went in with xq, twin, boon, ek. 
Sadly we went abit too late, meet with quite some jam. 
Reached City Square around 1pm i guess. 
Had Bornga; korean bbq for lunch! 
And guess what, was too busy eating that i didnt take any picture. 
Its an ala-carte korean bbq. The outlet at Malaysia is quite special.
As they actually uses charcoal for bbq-ing and not only that their staff will help you to bbq th food. 
So you dun have to spend time bbq-ing on ur own. As its quite tiring. 
After that went to walk arnd th mall.  
Bought a shorts for $19 RM. its lik so cheap. hohoho. 
Thn went for movie marathon ! 
Watched Cafe Waiting Love first. 
The movie is really quite touching i guess. had some tears. 
Quite long since i teared for movie. 
But i saw few of them tear really badly O_O .. 
After that watched Maze Runner. 
Quite a special movie i guess.
Kinda scary but it feels lik you are playing a game.  
Can't wait for its second series. 
Had lots of snacks for dinner cause it was too late alr. 
Ate crepe, bbq chicken, scallop sticks.
All of them are lik so nice and cheap. 
Why dun we have it in singapore T-T ... 
Reached home around 12 ? lucky didnt get any scolding pheww. 
Some pictures for th day .. 
And im offf to dota ! ~ 

Sunday, July 20, 2014 | 1:22 AM | 0 Crush
Finally free to update my blog ~ 
So damn tired these few days. 
Deadline deadline and more. 
Sigh . But its okay, weekend is here! 
Going for midnight movie ltr ~ 
Day 1
Okay, so went Batam last weekend! 
Was so suay, got flu on friday .
Tot it was gonna be okay, end up th next day become fever le.
But i really dw to miss th trip. 
So ate some med and started prepare for th trip.
Woke up lik 7.00 in th morning. 
Went to th ferry harbour at harbour front center ~ 
First time taking ferry from there. hohoho 
Some photo taking by us. hahahah

And its time to set off! hohohoho 

Spammed selfie during th ride hahaha.
Featuring twin's finger. Made me look lik a cute in th pic ~ 

Boarded th ferry at 10:10 .
Reached around 10:00 (Batam time +7:00 hours)
First we headed to Barelang Bridge! 
Th scenery there is like so damn pretty ! 
And it was lik so windy there. hahaha

Next up went to Batam City Square mall for shopping. 
Had lunch there, but my pasta didnt taste really good :(
Th arcade there is lik damn big. 
With bowling and they even have lik bumper car there. 
So sad wasnt feeling well couldnt join them to play th bumper car :( 
Tried out BlackBall for th first time. 
Th blackball there is cheaper and its really nice. nomnom . missing it now.
Next up, headed to Harbour Bay Mall. 
Went th supermarket there. 
Th things there was lik so damn cheap. 
A can of fruit beer cost lik $2 ? 
Thn chocolates and snack cost lik $1~3? 
Kapok zichao's sun glass during th ride. hohoho . 
Look nice on me. ;eeks

After that headed to Turi Beach in the evening. 
Sad, couldnt see th sunset due to th cloudy sky that day :(  
But its okay, still get to see th pretty scenery. 
Quite disappointing didnt get to go down to th beach . 
But its okay, hahahah. 

After that went to Rezeki Seafood Restaurant for dinner.
Ordered hongkong style steam fish, 1/2 kg butter prawn, black pepper and salted egg crab, 
Fried sotong with salted egg, Balacan kang kong, Lemon chicken .
Was too busy eating that i forgt to take pic :( 
Hahaha, but th seafood there is really fresh and nice. 
So many dish and it caused us arnd $80sgd. 
Consider really cheap i guess for seafood. 
Lastly went back our hotel to rest. 
Stayed in Harris Hotel. 
Th environment there was really nice. 
Sad we didnt get th room with th sea view D: 
Th view from our room : 
Theres this welcome to batam sign really pretty. hahahaha

Headed to th mall opposite to our hotel for shopping. 
Thn bought movie tickets for midnight movie. hohoho
Watched dawn of the planet of th apes! 
Woo , th movie costed for only lik $6sgd. 
Thats lik half of what you watch in sg. 
Went back to bath rest before heading back for movie. 
Was kinda shock , th cinema was lik totally full for a midnight movie. 
Fell asleep during th movie cause th middle part was really boring and im really tired. 
But managed to wake up and finish th exciting part. hahahha
Headed back to hotel, washed up and had my sleep. 
Day 2
Slept in till damn late. so damn tired. 
Waited for them to finish their swimming while i laze in bed. 
Washed up and went down for breakfast. 
Nomnomnom , th sandwich there is lik so nice. 
Thn went for a walk at th hotel's pool. 
They got this sun tanning chair there its lik so damn cute. hahahah
Look at us ~ 

Went back to room to wake ek up . 
And he didnt lik notice all 5 of us went out to eat without him. LOL 
All of us packed up and went down to check out. 
Went Nygoya Hill Mall for our last shopping before back to sg. 
Went to eat lunch at th Grand Duck Restaurant there. 
Ate th pecking duck there. Really nice. 
Had Shark Fin soup there. its really the authentic shark fin and cost only lik $11SGD.
There this fried rice there really nice too . 
Went shopping around th mall after lunch. 
So much to shop siaaa. Alot of fake branded but th quality is real good. 
3 bottle of perfume there can cost lik $10 SGD. freaking cheap. 
Bought some stuff there . Sunglass, Watches. 
Dabao-ed JCO from there. 

After that headed over to ferry habour to check in . 
Stayed there and played with my polaroid. hahah

Finally board th ferry and tada back to sg. 
Time fly lik so fast there. 
Its way too short. Cant felt lik i really have enough. 
Anticipating next trip with them agn. hahahah
Thats all. And once agn its bed time! 
Ciaos, update soon ~

Wednesday, July 16, 2014 | 10:53 PM | 0 Crush
Hellos ~ 
Been so busy and lazy to update! 
Fell sick right before going Batam. 
Came back feeling more sick . 
Poor me. 
And thn this week was lik so damn busy. 
Dun even have enough time to get proper sleep and medication. :( 
Wanted to update yet spend too much time sorting and editing th pics. 
Shall do it tml thn ! :D 
Hohoho, so missing batam now T_T . 
Can we all go back there lik now?! 
TADA ~ its bed timeee. shall go to my lala land. 
Bye peeps. 
Wednesday, May 14, 2014 | 12:10 AM | 0 Crush
9 April 2014
Sneaked out in th night ~ 
Went supper with twin, boon and zy ~ 
Zy drove us to prata hse for supper~ 
Seeing him drives, make me wanna get my license real soon :( 

Nomnomnom. love th prata there! sho nice . 
Was suppose to go home arnd 3 . 
But end up we went Jurong Hill Park for a tour before going home. LOL .
Blahblahblah. kinda forget th details alr. 
But i rmb i die straight into bed when i reach homeee. 
Slept till 12 plus thn suddenly twin and boon came over to my hse O_O... 
Xq came over afterwards too . 
Watched Captain Phillips tgt in my room . 
Thn half way ek and geraldine came over to join us . 
Wtff, first time having so many ppl in my room . lololol. 
Maciam having hse gatheringggg. lololol 
Cant rmb much so i shall stop for that day ~ 
OMG, guess whatt. 
Hubby can register for driving lic lo ! hoho 
After so long. omgomg, we can take it tgt yay . 
Hahahahah, so damn happy. LOL . ;x 
Has been long since we last have lesson or study tgt.. :( 
Really miss secondary sch times. 


Welcome !

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Its meeeeeeeeeeeee!
Welcome to my blog^-^
Hubbyy ♥

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-No more curfews
-Travelling with friends
-Own a pet!
-tmr ;D


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